Summary: The Noah sisters rule Titan High with their beauty, brains, and magical powers. Each year they play a secret game: Crushed. The girls pick their targets carefully and blow enchanted dust into the boy’s faces, charming them, but this year Kristen makes a grave mistake. She chooses the wrong boy and almost dies that same day. Coincidence? Maybe. But something isn’t quite right about Zach Bevian. He doesn’t behave like a boy who’s been Crushed. He goes from hot to cold, from looking at her with contempt to asking her out on a date. She doesn’t know what to think. Does he hate her or is he truly falling for her? Is he trying to kill her, or is he trying to save her?
Review: Because I wrote it, I will copy over a review from Goodreads.
Crushed is different compared to other fictional witchcraft driven books. It's a light, surprisingly fun and a refreshing read. The characters showed diversity in their personality. The story is unique and amazingly good, though there were flaws along the way.
The Noah sisters are called "The Titan Royalty". They are popular. But above all they are also Witches. Witches that plays a little game called Crushed. Every year each of the girls choose a target, a boy, who they will put a spell on and command them to do anything what they want.
From the past few years of playing Crushed nothing way too disturbing happened until Kristen Noah crushed the wrong guy, Zach Bevian. Ever since Zach knew what the Noah sisters are up to he planned to keep a low profile to protect his sister despite the fact that he wanted to accuse them for their wrong doing. But as the time has come when Zach was crushed, there's nothing he can do to stop it but to comply with her. Throughout their time together a lot of things unfold.
Kristin Noah is the goody-good type of girl. Among her sisters it is usually her that gets the attention of teachers and their father, because she's mostly the one being trusted in doing paper works and other stuff related to work. She started off as a self-absorbed, conceited and worrisome teen. Worrisome in a way that she thinks that her reputation is fragile as glass. But along the way, Kristen's "true" self was shown. The reasons behind her not-so-good attitude were revealed.
Zach Bevian is your typical and mysterious bad boy hottie in school Having an image of a bad boy doesn't literally mean they're evil, they also has their soft side. And Zach Bevian is one of those boys. Even though from the start it was against his volition to comply with Kristen's little joke he was still determined to follow her for his sister's safety. It was so sweet of him to be so protective of his sister, Morgan. It was because of Morgan's true identity that he restrain himself from having close friends and from falling for someone.
Brittany and Cyndi are twins. Unlike Kristen, both dressed the same and has telepathy because of their situation in life. Brittany is the moody and bitchy type of sister. She's the person you don't want to mess with. It was Brittany and Kristen who happens to fight a lot in the book. Cyndi on the other hand is the peacemaker among the Noah sisters. But there are just times that despite Brittany's wrong doings she still sticks with her in a way.
I love how the romance in the book slowly unfolds. It all started as a bet between the Noah sisters, Brittany and Kristen, that Zach and Kristen got to know each other. First off, Zach didn't have a love interest towards Kristen until such time that he meet the "real" her. Though there were times that he's trying not to like her for what they've done he can't deny what he really feels for her. Their first date was so cute!! It was so realistic, it's like a date for starters. The romance in the book even left a big smile on my face!
There were twists and turns in the story. The secret behind Zach and Morgan's true identity was truly genius! Though some happenings in the book were predictable I still manage to like it anyway. The ending was satisfying and I can't wait to read the second book in the series.
Crushed is not only a romantic read but it also talks about sister rivalry, magic-gone-bad, and the value of sisterhood. If you're looking Crushed is different compared to other fictional witchcraft driven books. It's a light, surprisingly fun and a refreshing read. The characters showed diversity in their personality. The story is unique and amazingly good, though there were flaws along the way.
The Noah sisters are called "The Titan Royalty". They are popular. But above all they are also Witches. Witches that plays a little game called Crushed. Every year each of the girls choose a target, a boy, who they will put a spell on and command them to do anything what they want.
From the past few years of playing Crushed nothing way too disturbing happened until Kristen Noah crushed the wrong guy, Zach Bevian. Ever since Zach knew what the Noah sisters are up to he planned to keep a low profile to protect his sister despite the fact that he wanted to accuse them for their wrong doing. But as the time has come when Zach was crushed, there's nothing he can do to stop it but to comply with her. Throughout their time together a lot of things unfold.
Kristin Noah is the goody-good type of girl. Among her sisters it is usually her that gets the attention of teachers and their father, because she's mostly the one being trusted in doing paper works and other stuff related to work. She started off as a self-absorbed, conceited and worrisome teen. Worrisome in a way that she thinks that her reputation is fragile as glass. But along the way, Kristen's "true" self was shown. The reasons behind her not-so-good attitude were revealed.
Zach Bevian is your typical and mysterious bad boy hottie in school Having an image of a bad boy doesn't literally mean they're evil, they also has their soft side. And Zach Bevian is one of those boys. Even though from the start it was against his volition to comply with Kristen's little joke he was still determined to follow her for his sister's safety. It was so sweet of him to be so protective of his sister, Morgan. It was because of Morgan's true identity that he restrain himself from having close friends and from falling for someone.
Brittany and Cyndi are twins. Unlike Kristen, both dressed the same and has telepathy because of their situation in life. Brittany is the moody and bitchy type of sister. She's the person you don't want to mess with. It was Brittany and Kristen who happens to fight a lot in the book. Cyndi on the other hand is the peacemaker among the Noah sisters. But there are just times that despite Brittany's wrong doings she still sticks with her in a way.
I love how the romance in the book slowly unfolds. It all started as a bet between the Noah sisters, Brittany and Kristen, that Zach and Kristen got to know each other. First off, Zach didn't have a love interest towards Kristen until such time that he meet the "real" her. Though there were times that he's trying not to like her for what they've done he can't deny what he really feels for her. Their first date was so cute!! It was so realistic, it's like a date for starters. The romance in the book even left a big smile on my face!
There were twists and turns in the story. The secret behind Zach and Morgan's true identity was truly genius! Though some happenings in the book were predictable I still manage to like it anyway. The ending was satisfying and I can't wait to read the second book in the series.
Crushed is not only a romantic read but it also talks about sister rivalry, magic-gone-bad, and the value of sisterhood. If you're looking Crushed is different compared to other fictional witchcraft driven books. It's a light, surprisingly fun and a refreshing read. The characters showed diversity in their personality. The story is unique and amazingly good, though there were flaws along the way.
The Noah sisters are called "The Titan Royalty". They are popular. But above all they are also Witches. Witches that plays a little game called Crushed. Every year each of the girls choose a target, a boy, who they will put a spell on and command them to do anything what they want.
From the past few years of playing Crushed nothing way too disturbing happened until Kristen Noah crushed the wrong guy, Zach Bevian. Ever since Zach knew what the Noah sisters are up to he planned to keep a low profile to protect his sister despite the fact that he wanted to accuse them for their wrong doing. But as the time has come when Zach was crushed, there's nothing he can do to stop it but to comply with her. Throughout their time together a lot of things unfold.
Kristin Noah is the goody-good type of girl. Among her sisters it is usually her that gets the attention of teachers and their father, because she's mostly the one being trusted in doing paper works and other stuff related to work. She started off as a self-absorbed, conceited and worrisome teen. Worrisome in a way that she thinks that her reputation is fragile as glass. But along the way, Kristen's "true" self was shown. The reasons behind her not-so-good attitude were revealed.
Zach Bevian is your typical and mysterious bad boy hottie in school Having an image of a bad boy doesn't literally mean they're evil, they also has their soft side. And Zach Bevian is one of those boys. Even though from the start it was against his volition to comply with Kristen's little joke he was still determined to follow her for his sister's safety. It was so sweet of him to be so protective of his sister, Morgan. It was because of Morgan's true identity that he restrain himself from having close friends and from falling for someone.
Brittany and Cyndi are twins. Unlike Kristen, both dressed the same and has telepathy because of their situation in life. Brittany is the moody and bitchy type of sister. She's the person you don't want to mess with. It was Brittany and Kristen who happens to fight a lot in the book. Cyndi on the other hand is the peacemaker among the Noah sisters. But there are just times that despite Brittany's wrong doings she still sticks with her in a way.
I love how the romance in the book slowly unfolds. It all started as a bet between the Noah sisters, Brittany and Kristen, that Zach and Kristen got to know each other. First off, Zach didn't have a love interest towards Kristen until such time that he meet the "real" her. Though there were times that he's trying not to like her for what they've done he can't deny what he really feels for her. Their first date was so cute!! It was so realistic, it's like a date for starters. The romance in the book even left a big smile on my face!
There were twists and turns in the story. The secret behind Zach and Morgan's true identity was truly genius! Though some happenings in the book were predictable I still manage to like it anyway. The ending was satisfying and I can't wait to read the second book in the series.
Crushed is not only a romantic read but it also talks about sister rivalry, magic-gone-bad, and the value of sisterhood. If you're looking for a fun, light, cute love story then you should try this one out! for a fun, light, cute love story then you should try this one out! SaMaiNe at Goodreads
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